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Parish Council Meeting – 9th June 2021

Meeting Summary

Committee:Full Parish Council
Venue:Shavington Village Hall Car Park

Notes for Members of the Public:

  • Please note this is a face to face meeting and numbers in the room are very limited due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. Any members of the public that wish to attend, please register with the clerk by emailing by 3pm on Wednesday, 9th June 2021

Public Agenda


1To receive and consider apologies for absence  
2To note declarations of Members’ interests  
3To confirm and sign the minutes of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Council Meetings hold on May 5th, 2021 and the minutes of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Extra-ordinary Meeting hold on May 21st, 2021 (attached)  
4Public Participation
 A period not exceeding 20 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments  
5To receive an update from Committee Chairmen and Chairwomen  
6To receive a report from the Village Beat Manager  
7To receive an update on Cheshire East Council’s plans affecting the Parish Council from Cllr Marren (CEC) (attached)  
8To receive an update with regards to the Neighbourhood Plan from Mr Atteridge  
9To consider and approve the terms of reference of Staffing Committees (attached)  
10To consider the approval of Committee structures and nominations to new and existing Committees (attached)  
11To consider the Committee meeting schedule for 2021/22 (attached)  
12To consider an update with regards to the Shavington Village festival and the financial implication for the Council to sponsor the road closure (attached)  
13To consider an update from the Task Group with regards to the Cheshire East Boundary Review (Governance Review)  
14To note and approve payments since the previous meeting (to follow)  
15To consider making a response to the following planning applications  
 Application n. 21/2655N Proposal: Advertisement Consent for totem mounted signs, illuminated and non-illuminated wall signs, window graphics Location: Shavington Service Station, Esso Service Station, 416, Newcastle Road, Shavington, CW2 5JF National Grid Ref: 370437.4857 351172.3896 Deadline: 11th June    
16To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published  
17To consider a proposal to activate a full subscription to Parish Online, and approve the payment of the yearly fee (attached)  
18To consider a proposal for a Call for Quotations for the delivery of the Leightman service in the Parish (attached)  
19To consider a proposal from Northwich Town Council for Ground Maintenance Service (circulated)  
20To consider reviewing the Council’s bank arrangements, as follow:   That all bank communications and statements are sent to the new Parish ClerkThat the new Parish Clerk is added as new signatory/authorised user to the Parish Council and Village Hall Bank accountThat the former Clerk is removed for the signatories/authorised of the account  
21To consider the necessary arrangements to set up a workspace area for officers in Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall  
22To note the updated version of Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Booking pack (attached)  
23To consider a proposal to submit and application for listed status for 1 Rope Lane (former Co-op building), and 140 Main Road (former youth club/ schoolhouse)  
24It is recommended that the Council considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of item 4 on the grounds that the matters contain sensitive information and by reason of confidential nature of the business being transacted  
25To consider staff matter and refund requests  
26To consider the selection process for the appointment of the Communication Manager (circulated)  
27To note the date of the next Council Meeting – July, 7th 2021  


Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council Meeting

Report Purpose:      To provide a report from Cllr Marren (CEC)

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Cllr Marren (CEC)


Business grants update

CEC is continuing to invite applications for the new Restart Grant, which supports eligible businesses with one-off grants of up to £18,000 to help them reopen safely. To apply go to:…/coronavirus-covid-19…

More than 1,500 grants have already been paid out, totalling £12m. The first phase of the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) is closed to new applications and all funding has been allocated in line with the policy. CEC has so far paid out grants totalling more than £8.41m and businesses that are still required to close will continue to receive grant funding up until 21 June, in line with the roadmap out of lockdown.

Phase two of ARG will see the Council provide additional funding, to around 720 businesses totalling £11.1m. The Council anticipates the receipt of £3.4m in government funding to give further support to businesses up to March 2022.

A phase three ARG policy to cover this new allocation of funding is being developed.

‘Computers for Kids’ scheme launched to further support vulnerable learners

Cheshire East Council has announced that the first computers have been distributed to schools as part of its ongoing commitment to support learning for vulnerable children across the borough.

The scheme has been launched off the back of the national campaign, ‘Laptops for Kids’, which has been promoted in different parts of the country. It involves local businesses donating laptops and computers, which are then repurposed and distributed through schools to children, who will most benefit from having the opportunity to use IT equipment to enhance their learning.

It is felt that donating a laptop or a computer will make a huge difference to the lives and education of children and families in Cheshire East. The devices don’t need to be new – the Council will upcycle them. They just need to be in good working order and capable of running Windows 10.”

The first computers made available and distributed to schools in Congleton and Crewe have already been donated by Cheshire East Council.

Businesses that have computers to donate should make contact, in the first instance, with Cheshire Young Carers via email at or call 0151 356 3176.

Historic day as Cheshire East Council moves to new Committee System

Tuesday, (4 May) saw Cheshire East Council made the historic change to operate a committee system for decision-making.

The council has operated under a cabinet system since it was formed in 2009. Now, decisions previously made by the cabinet, will be made by ‘service committees’.

Each new service committee has 13 members. These members collectively make decisions. The political make up of each committee reflects the political make-up of the council. Members debate and vote on decisions, so decisions are made collectively by the cross-party membership.

The chairs of the service committees are as follows:

• Chair of the Corporate Policy Committee – Cllr Sam Corcoran

• Chair of the Finance Sub Committee – Cllr Amanda Stott

• Chair of the Children’s and families Committee – Cllr Kathryn Flavell

• Chair of the Health and Adults Committee – Cllr Jill Rhodes

• Chair of Economy and Growth Committee – Cllr Nick Mannion

• Chair of the Highways and Transport committee – Cllr Craig Browne

• Chair of the Environment and Communities Committee – Cllr Mick Warren

Tuesday also saw the appointment of the new Mayor of Cheshire East, Cllr Sarah Pochin, and also the reappointment of the Leader, Cllr Sam Corcoran, and the Deputy Leader, Cllr Craig Browne.


There is a growing need across Cheshire East for more specialist places. The council have completed a sufficiency review of its special educational needs provision across the local authority and it has identified that there is a growing need to provide at least 250 specialist places in a variety of settings.

This current lack of provision means that some children are being educated in schools outside of Cheshire East. This not only can incur transport costs for the local authority but has a significant disadvantage to the child who often spends a considerable time travelling to and from school and it also reduces their opportunities to develop friendships with children who may live close by, further isolating them within their local community

The proposal, if agreed, would involve the refurbishment and remodelling of the former Dean Row Day Centre to create the required accommodation for up to 80 pupils aged 4-19 for pupils, with a range of needs including Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), Severe Learning difficulties (SLD) and Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). The site in Crewe is not closing this will be an additional site.

Feedback your views….

The Local Authority is seeking feedback from all interested parties on the proposal.

All feedback received during the consultation period will be collated and a report will be prepared and presented to the Council’s Children & Families Committee on 12 July 2021 for a decision.

It is important to note that no decisions have been taken at this stage and anybody who wishes to respond should visit the Council’s website at:-…/springfield-school…

where you can read the consultation document and submit the electronic survey, or complete the feedback form, before the closing date of 14 June 2021.

Housing Supply

The Council publishes information each year about its housing supply – how many homes have been built and the future pipeline supply of homes.

The Council has published an updated 5-year housing land supply position. National planning policy requires all councils to maintain a minimum 5-year supply of deliverable housing land. Not having a 5-year supply can have implications for planning application decision making, whereby the ‘tilted balance’ in favour of granting planning permission can apply. The Council’s deliverable supply as at 31 March 2020 was 6.4 years. You can read more detail about this in the latest Housing Monitoring Update via this link:

Cheshire East’s Highways programme 2021/22

Highways has been allocated around £15 million capital funding from the Department for Transport (DfT) for the 2021-22 financial year which sees a reduction of 21% to the maintenance budget (approx £4 million) from the previous year.

So, being clear, the GOVERNMENT has reduced the Council’s repair programme by £3,951,000.

Due to this reduction in funding, road repair programmes will be focussing on the key routes on the highway network only! (that is A, B and C roads and other important link roads). This means that the programme of work will concentrate on roads with the greatest usage and those with the greatest risk to enable the money to be used in the most effective way. That will be the Highways argument.

Estates, like Park Estate, will not be programmed for repair although it undoubtedly needs repair and has been accepted by Highway Officers, previously, as in need of level 3 (resurfacing) repair.

The council has sought to offset some of the impact in the reduction in central government funding by providing £3m (which is an extra £1.3m up on the previous year) of its own capital funds, but it is not just going to be invested into roads. They intend to target, what they would argue is much needed extra investment into drainage, bridges and structures and street lighting, with £1.2m being targeted at the repair and improvement of the drainage network following recent adverse weather events. Funding is also being invested into footways and cycleways across the borough. Those services with an increased investment are arguably positive steps towards recovering from flood damage, supporting active travel and reducing the carbon footprint.

There is no getting away from the fact that there is a reduction in funds and that will hit hard. The Council will say that it recognises that the level of funding provided for these areas still isn’t enough and it hopes that government will make up this significant area of underfunding in future budget setting. Political pressure is going to be required at local and national level!

The approved capital programmes of work cover: Road and Footway Repairs, Drainage Improvement works, Bridges and Structures, Street Lighting, Traffic Signals, Road Markings, Safety Barriers, Road Safety and Sustainable Modes of Transport (STEPS).

Road Repair Programme 2021-2022–Programmed Patching

There are 118 schemes being considered by Cheshire Highways, all point scored, to determine which will be delivered within the allocated budget. A detailed site investigation will need to be undertaken first to understand the costings associated with each of the 118 schemes in order to determine how many in the list are affordable.

Once a detailed site analysis is complete with costs, a definitive programme budget line will be applied to the long list of roads but it is going to take until July apparently. This would suggest that very few will see any repair before the end of May, though Crewe Road, by the traffic lights and Dodd’s Bank has seen some much welcomed (and social media derided) temporary repairs.

I don’t think that most of these 118 roads will be repaired because the money will run out. Crewe Road and Rope Lane bridge though are in the top quartile relative to points scored, so I think that is good news.

The next meeting of the Highways and Transport Committee is on Monday, 19th July 2021 at 10.30 am should any Councillor wish to attend and make their views known to the Committee, before they presumably finalise the repair programme.

Committee Members are Councillors Mike Benson (C), Craig Browne (I and Chair), Barry Burkhill (I), Laura Crane (L and Vice Chair), Hazel Faddes (L), Alan Gage (C), Les Gilbert (C), Mike Hunter (L), Rob Moreton (I), Mike Sewart (C), Don Stockton (C), Phil Williams (I).

The contact details for the Committee Members who sit on the Highways and Transportation Committee can be found at :…/mgMemberIndex…

and then click upon the Committee Member.

It is important that residents keep the pressure up on CEC about the state of the roads in Shavington by continually reporting them via fix my street

And also via:

Residents can also Call Highways on 0300 123 5020 during working hours or out of working hours on 0300 123 5025 to report any issues that present an immediate danger.

If drivers have suffered vehicle damage, they should also claim because the claim will influence the work programme . That can be reported at :…/making-a-claim.aspx

Drivers have a right to make a claim for compensation if their vehicle has been damaged as a result of a pothole or other defect on a road or footpath. But they will only be given compensation if CEC is found to have been negligent or in breach of its legal duty under the Highways Act to maintain the highway. More claims translate to more points!

Councillors can also lobby Highway’s Committee Members.

To access the highway capital programmes 2021/22 go to:…/road-repair-programme…

Puffin Crossing on Crewe Road

This crossing is being provided through a S278 agreement to be installed direct by the developer (Taylor Wimpey). It has been delayed as most of the housing sites were shut down during the first Covid lockdown and even when that was lifted many works like these were not seen as a priority.

The contractor has now submitted an application to work and that has been approved. The start date is 2/8/2021 until 28/8/2021.

New Toucan Crossing in Rope Lane provided through a S.106 agreement. Planning reference number 17/1507D

A condition attached to the approval of the Wainhomes North West development at Chatsworth Park is that the developer must pay to the Council a sum sufficient to finance the construction of a Toucan Crossing in the vicinity of the development. The purpose is to provide safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists from the development over Rope Lane. The sum is in the hands of Cheshire East Council and has been for a while.

The intent has been to construct the crossing at the end of the cycle path near to the flyover.

I have pointed out to those responsible for this project that, in my view, the crossing will be unused by pedestrians and quite possibly cyclists. Part of the reasoning is that there is no footpath between Broomhall Drive and the point of the proposed crossing and so it is likely that any pedestrians leaving the Chatsworth Park development will cross in the vicinity of the junction if heading towards the High School. I have also warned that constructing the crossing in this location is likely to generate national media interest. More positively, I have suggested an alternative location which is at the end of the Public Right of Way which is broadly opposite Burlea Drive. However this does have its own issues:

a. There may be a need for some land acquisition to ensure a safe landing place for the toucan crossing.

b. There will be a need for some vegetation clearance to improve visibility.

c. Will the existing “kissing gates” need to be removed to accommodate cyclists?

d. Consideration of what other opportunities exist to connect cycling into a crossing e.g. on road cycle lanes?

There is sufficient time with the S106 funding to get the right solution here so consideration of the right location will continue a while.

These are the only two options (besides giving the money back).

Consultation launched on Cheshire East Council’s biodiversity plan

Cheshire East Council is inviting comments on a planning document that would provide further advice to developers and property owners on how they can improve the environment when preparing planning applications.

The draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been published for consultation. If adopted, it will provide additional guidance on policies of the Local Plan Strategy, which sets out the strategy and requirements for development across the borough.

Biodiversity net gain is the term used to ensure that when new development impacts on a habitat or the ecology of a site, that developers provide more and better habitat as a replacement.

An SPD is not part of the statutory development plan, but it is a recognised way of putting in place more guidance that can help the council to decide planning applications. In this instance, the SPD will help the council to achieve improvements to the environment by setting out a clear process that applicants should follow.

If adopted, this document would form an important part of the guidance that helps the council secure improvements to the environment across the borough.

Comments on the document are invited until Monday 14 June.

To view the documents and to have your say, visit the consultation portal at:…/pla…/spd/

Feedback can also be posted to: Strategic planning (Westfields), c/o Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ.

Boundary Review

A 12-week consultation on the proposals put forward by the Community Governance Working group has not yet started and is at least 6 weeks behind schedule. The referendum amendment has temporarily derailed the review, I think.

Resident Issues

Cheshire’s new Police and Crime Commissioner

PCC John Dwyer assumed the role on Thursday 13 May, which he will hold for the next three years. The term of office is normally four years but it has been reduced to three after the elections were postponed from May 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

He previously held the same post between 2012 and 2016..

I wrote to Mr Dwyer on the 11th May expressing concern about the speeding on Main Road and Rope Lane and invited him to meet me on site to observe and discuss. His response:

“I have put your e-mail in my To Do list and, when I am settled in, my PA will contact you to arrange for us to meet up as you suggest.”

We’ll see, if we meet.

School Crossing Patrol

This won’t be easy to secure. A potential School Crossing Patrol (SXP) site would be assessed by Transport Service Solutions on request.  The amount of accompanied and unaccompanied pupils would be taken into account as well as the amount of traffic during the time pupils would usually be walking to school – this would depend on the site but usually 15 minutes before and after the normal opening times of a school.

I have been told that should I have a specific site in mind an assessment can be carried out. The location I have in mind is Main Road, where there used to be a crossing. I am liaising  with the Primary School as to whether this is worth taking forward.  

An SXP would be funded through Cheshire East Council and costs just over £4,000 per annum.

The Parish Council can finance School Crossing Patrols where CEC will not justify.

Blocked Ditch

I met representatives from Guinness and Cheshire Highways on the 20th May outside of Santune Court to discuss a ditch that clearly used to carry water away from the fields before any of the houses were built. The ditch, which you can see from Rope Lane lies in between properties on Burlea Drive and Santune House and

a number of other properties not yet identified. The water doesn’t run but just lies there as the ditch is blocked.

The Highways Officer was from the Flood Team and he has now spoken with the lead Flood Risk Engineer and it has been confirmed that as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), under the Land Drainage Act 1991 the council can identify and inform those that own and maintain land encompassing the blocked ditch of their responsibilities as Riparian owners.  To this end, he will speak with their asset management team and undertake the necessary searches via the Land Registry.  Once established, they will write to those individuals, offering additional advice as necessary.

 I can’t see this being a quick and easy process but it has started.

Planning Related

Do garden walls built next to the Public highway need planning permission?

As a general rule of thumb if a wall runs parallel to and is within two metres of a highway it should only be 1 metre in height without the benefit of planning permission. Anything set further back can be to a height of 2 metres.

Shavington / Wybunbury Triangle – Phase 3 consultation

I’m aware that the Parish Council has been briefed by the developer. Cllr Clowes and myself were separately briefed. I am sceptical about the benefit of having another community building have asked the developer to consider an investment in existing buildings as an alternative. The suggestion was supported by Cllr Clowes.

Wain Homes development off Chestnut Avenue

Enforcement and planning officers have been in contact with the developers, Wain Homes to ensure that all the conditions relating to 17/6487N are being discharged. Several conditions have been discharged to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. However, condition 10, which relates to the ditch which runs to the rear of the properties on Northfield Close has yet to be discharged completely. This matter is the subject of an ongoing enforcement investigation ref. 20/00583E.

Contact has been made with the developer advising them that the ditch should be reinstated and maintained as per condition 10 of the grant of planning permission. Whilst the developers have submitted two applications in an attempt to discharge this application both have been rejected.

Should they fail to submit and have approved and thereafter implement a suitable scheme consideration will be given to the issue of a Breach of Condition Notice against which there is no right of appeal.

27 Crewe Road

Officers from the Housing team have visited both the property and the owners of the property who were unaware that the site was open to access as the gates are secure, that said – obviously people are jumping the gates to get in.

They have been asked to board up the property to avoid access but they have also advised that they are in discussion with builders as well as in the process of selling the property itself – hopefully this will secure improvement.

A housing officer will be checking that boarding has taken place in the interim period.

Gresty Lane traffic

Highways have programmed in ATC’s (Automated Traffic Counters) to be placed along Gresty Lane. Initially, these surveys were due to take place in the New Year, however the national lockdown was imposed and that held up any further progress.

The ATC’s are now programmed to take place next month on Gresty Lane (date to be confirmed). Therefore, by late June/early July Highways will have some vehicle speed/flow data to analyse what vehicle speeds are like in the area.

Once the surveys have been completed and analysed, the results will be published in a report format and distributed to me for reference and perusal

Blocked Gulleys- Gresty Green Road

Garden and septic tank flooded. Gulleys now cleared.

Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council Meeting

Report Purpose:      To provide the draft ToR for the Staffing Committee

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk

  1. Report Summary

The report provides the draft Terms of Reference for the new Staffing Committee to be considered by Members.

  • Background

Each committee should have a Terms of Reference document (ToR) that, at a minimum, describes the purpose, scope and authority of the committee.

  • Position

Draft version of the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference are detailed in Annex 1.

  • Conclusions

Members are asked to consider the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference and:

  1. Resolve to adopt the Terms of Reference as it is; or
  2. Consider the ToR draft attached, request some amendments to be made, and adopt the ToR; or
  3. Consider the ToR draft attached, resolve not to adopt it.
  • Consideration Sought

That the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference document attached is adopted by the Council.


Staffing Committee

Terms of Reference (ToR)


4 Members of AuthorityQuorum 3
Meeting will take place every six month
All non-committee members may attend meetings of the Committee except for confidential items or matters relating to grievance or discipline and speak at the Chairman’s discretion, but are unable to vote.  
Function of the CommitteeDelegation of function
  All delegated functions as set out in the Terms of Reference and Delegation of Council    Committee
  To recommend to Council the overall Staffing structure and approval of additional posts.    Parish Clerk reserved for Council All other staff to Committee including payment of honoraria providing within agreed budget.
  Approval of personnel policies and Employee Handbook    Committee
  Management and Appointment of Staff (Local Government Act 1972 s112-119)  Recommend appointment of new Parish Clerk to be endorsed by Council   Selection of long list by Parish Clerk with personnel assistance if appropriate   Selection of final short list – Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council and Chairman of the Staffing Committee Final Interview – Committee and Chairman of the Council   Parish Clerk for casual staff and temporary appointments to approved positions below Scale Point 23 Decision on whether to fill vacant positions is delegated to Parish Clerk.   Decision on recruitment of contract staff or interim contract staff to Committee   Management of staff in accordance with Council policy, procedures and budget to Parish Clerk.
  Disciplinary matters under the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure.  Parish Clerk with appeal to Staffing Committee   Staffing Committee in the case of the Parish Clerk with appeal to Complain Committee (only members not on Staffing Committee)   Dismissal of Parish Clerk to be ratified by Council
  Determination of individual grading issues and job evaluation    Committee, except Parish Clerk reserved to Council  
  Issues relating to the Local Government Pension Scheme as it affects individual employees and administration of retirement.  Committee (Council in case of Parish Clerk)   Administration of retirement in cases of permanent ill health, after appropriate medical advice via NEST   Pensions Discretions Policies to Committee
  Approval of job descriptions and person specifications.    Committee  
  Absence issues under the Council’s Attendance Management Guidelines.    Parish Clerk except Committee in the case of Parish Clerk  
  To place staff at the disposal of other local authorities for the purpose of joint arrangements or Partnership working      Council  
  Competence Procedure  Parish Clerk except Committee in the case of Parish Clerk  
  Issue of Contracts of Employment  Parish Clerk except Committee in the case of Parish Clerk   Model Contract approved by Committee  
  Redundancy and Redeployment    Committee  
  Monitoring Equalities Policy in relation to employment    Committee  
  Approval of Officer Codes of Conduct, supplements and Member – Officer Protocol    Council  
  Health and Safety  Committee for approval of Policy other than General Statement and organisation which are reserved for Council   Committee to oversee responsibilities for Council within budget and policy   Parish Clerk for routine management
  Grievance Procedure  Parish Clerk, except Committee in the case of Parish Clerk  
  Administration of other Staffing procedures  Parish Clerk, except Committee in the case of Parish Clerk  
  Employee Development Review and assessment at end of Probationary period  Parish Clerk for all staff, often delegated to direct manager.   Chairman, Staffing Chairman and one other Member of Committee for Parish Clerk
  Training and Development Plan for Officers  Parish Clerk  

NB. Any actions delegated to the Parish Clerk/Proper Officer may in his/her absence be undertaken by the nominated deputy or deputies, if the matter cannot wait until the Parish Clerk’s return.

Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council Meeting

Report Purpose:      To provide the draft Committee Membership 2021/22

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk

  1. Report Summary

The report provides the draft Committee Membership for 2021/22.

  • Background

On May, 5th 2021 Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council resolved to postpone the membership appointment to Committee to the next Parish Council Meeting, June 9th.

With the exception of Cllr B Gibbs, who was appointed to the Complaint Committee.

  • Position

Draft version of the Committee Membership is detailed in Annex 1.

It should be noted that the draft Committee structure below does not included non-Members appointment. On the first meeting of each Committee, Members will be asked to consider the appointment of non-Members.

  • Conclusions

Members are asked to consider the Committee Membership and:

  1. Resolve to approve the Committee Membership as detailed in Annex 1; or
  2. Consider the Committee Membership ad detailed in Annex 1, request some amendments to be made, and approve it; or
  3. Consider the Committee Membership and resolve not to adopt it.
  • Consideration Sought

That the Committee Membership is approved.


Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council

Committee Membership

Complaints Committee  (3)Community Engagement Committee (5)Environment and Recreation Committee (5)
Cllr K Gibbs Cllr B Gibbs Cllr HancockCllr K Gibbs Cllr McIntyre Cllr Moore Cllr Jones Cllr B Gibbs  Cllr Adams Cllr Buchanan Cllr Ferguson Cllr K Gibbs Cllr Hancock xxxx
Finance Committee (5)Village Hall Committee (5)Staffing Committee (4)
Cllr Buchanan Cllr K Gibbs Cllr Hancock Cllr Ferguson Cllr HackettCllr Adams Cllr K Gibbs Cllr Hancock Cllr McIntyre Cllr HackettCllr Jones Cllr B Gibbs Cllr Xxxx Cllr xxxx

Meeting:                  Parish Council Meeting

Report Purpose:      To provide the draft Committee Meeting schedule 2021/22

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk

  1. Report Summary

The report provides the draft Committee Meeting schedule 2021/22.

  • Position

Draft version of the Committee Meeting schedule 2021/22 is detailed in Annex 1.

  • Conclusions

Members are asked to consider the Committee Meeting schedule 2021/22 and:

  1. Resolve to approve the Committee Meeting schedule as detailed in Annex 1; or
  2. Consider the Committee Meeting schedule ad detailed in Annex 1, request some amendments to be made, and approve it; or
  3. Consider the Committee Meeting schedule and resolve not to adopt it.
  • Consideration Sought

That the Committee Meeting schedule 2021/22 is approved.


Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council

Meeting schedule 2021/22

Parish Council meeting

  • 7th July 7:30pm
  • 4th August 7:30pm
  • 1st September 7:30pm
  • 6th October 7:30pm
  • 3rd November 7:30pm
  • 1st December 7:30pm
  • 5th January 7:30pm
  • 2nd February 7:30pm
  • 2nd March 7:30pm

Community and Engagement Committee meeting

  • 23rd June 7:30pm
  • 15th September 7:30pm
  • 8th December 7:30pm
  • 16th March 7:30pm

Environment and Recreation Committee meeting

  • 14th July 7:30pm
  • 20th October 7:30pm
  • 19th January 7:30pm

Finance Committee meeting

  • 29th September 7:30pm
  • 17th November 7:30pm
  • 9th March 7:30pm

Village Hall Committee meeting

  • 30th June 7:30pm
  • 13th October 7:30pm
  • 9th February 7:30pm

Staffing Committee meeting

  • 21st July 2021 7:30pm
  • 16th February 7:30pm

Meeting:                  Parish Council 09.06.2021

Report Purpose:      To provide an update with regard to the Village Festival

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk            

  1. Report Summary

The report provides an update with regards to the Village Festival and outlines financial implication to sponsor the event and have a presence on the day.

  • Background

Shavington Village Festival fist started back in 1976, to celebrate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. A Committee was set up to organise a Village Festival in the summer of 1977, and from the outset, the Committee decided that the prime objective of the Festival would be to create the opportunity for local organisations to raise funds, usually by running a stall. It was a successful event and so popular that it had continued for over 40 years.

  • Position

To support the event, Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council resolved to sponsor the Traffic Management cost up to £800 (Parish Council meeting, April 7th, 2021).

A quote was received and accepted from Amberon TM, for the value of £627+VAT. Details of Traffic Management service required for the day, and submission of all the necessary documentations to the competent Authority are outside the scope of the sponsorship and will be dealt by the event organisers.

The Parish Council was then offered a place to promote its activities and project at the event. This would give Members the opportunity to promote and support the local discussion around the Boundary Review.

To manage and take advantage from the presence on the day the Council would need:

  • N.2 outdoor banner (2m x 1m) Shavington-cum-Gresty branded
  • N.4 outdoor banner (2m x 1m) one identity branded
  • N.12 green tshirt One identity branded
  • N.12 blue tshirt Parish Council branded
  • Hand waving promotional flags your identity branded (500ca)
  • Kids colour map of the Village to hand out (500ca)
  • Gazebo, table and chairs

Also, Members will be asked for their availability on the day to man the gazebo and inform residents with regards to the Boundary review.

  • Sustainability Impact

The event has an environmental impact, in line with equivalent events.

  • Community Impact

Positive: greater community engagement

  • Governance

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council budget 2021/22

  • Financial Impact

Up to £700 within the allocated budget

  • Resource Impact

Officers time. Clerk to supervise and manage.

  • Conclusions

Members are asked to consider the followings:

  1. To note the report, resolved to support the Festival and have a presence on the day, delegate the Clerk to progress the project and take all operational decisions within budget (up to £700)
  2. To note the report, resolved to support the festival but resolve not to have a Parish presence on the day.
  1. Consideration Sought

That the report is approved, and the Clerk is delegated authority to take operational decision to progress the project within budget.

Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council 09.06.2021

Report Purpose:      To provide an update with regard to the Parish Online service

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk            

  1. Report Summary

The report provides an update with regards to the Parish Online service and outlines financial implication for the Council to sign the subscription to the service.

  • Background

Parish Online is a mapping software enabling councils to view and print detailed maps. It enables users to: view maps, take measures, create map layers, manage assets, publish interactive maps.

  • Position

To support the activity of the Boundary Review Task Group and test the usability and value of the system, the Clerk -in consultation with the  Chairman- subscribed a free trial with Parish Online. The subscription was signed on May, 20th and will end on June, 19th without any obligation fee.

Parish Online is a subscription service, charged annually. Price depends on population, and for the Shavington-cum-Gresty area the cost is £250+VAT

The system has so far proved to be really useful for Members, and has given them the access to tools and systems that will support Members with the Your Identity campaign, as well as other Parish Council’s project such Shavington Youth Club, and 140 Main Road.

  • Equality impact

The system is fully accessible.

  • Sustainability Impact

Environmental: none as digital.

Social: potentially greater civic pride as the service will be used to support the Your Identity Campaign

  • Community Impact

Positive: it will support the Your Identity Campaign

  • Governance

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council budget 2021/22

  • Financial Impact

Up to £300/year (cost centre Administration Staffing/ICT equipment)

  • Resource Impact

Officers time.

  1. Conclusions

Members are asked to consider the followings:

  • To note the report, resolve to authorise the full subscription to the Parish Online system at the cost of £250+£50 per year (to be reviewed yearly)
  • To note the report, and resolve to not authorise the full subscription to the Parish Online system
  1. Consideration Sought

That the authorisation is granted to unlock the full subscription to the Parish Online system (annual cost £250+£50 to be reviewed each financial year)

Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council 09.06.2021

Report Purpose:      To provide consideration with regards to the appointment process to select the Parish Lenghtsman

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk            

  1. Report Summary

The report provides Members and update about the appointment of a Parish Lenghtsman together with the Clerk’s recommendation on the procedure to follow.

  • Background

On April 7th, Shavignton-cum-Gresty Parish Council approved the advertisement of a Lenghtsman as an external contractor and delegate the Recreation and Environment Committee to oversee the selection process. It was also agreed that the advert would have been included in the June Parish Council newsletter.

  • Position

The appointment of an external contractor for the delivery of services, is regulated by the Council Financial Regulation approved by the Full Council on May, 5th.

When the Council is to enter a contract below £25,000 (but in excess of £3,000), the Clerk shall present three quotations (priced description of the proposed supply). A request for quotation request to be written, and published.

The Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, agreed not to publish the job advert on the June newsletter – as it was not clearly complying with the Financial regulation. An request for quotation has been drafted and it attached to this document, for members consideration.

If approved, this can be published soon after the Parish Council Meeting. Members need to be aware, however, that the timeline for the appointment will need to be slightly postponed as follow:

  • Closing date for submitting application: Friday 16th July, 5pm
  • Proposal opened on Monday 19th July
  • Decision to be made on Wed 4th August
  • Equality impact

The request for quotation will be published in accessible format (HTML)

  • Sustainability Impact

Environmental: none as digital.

  • Community Impact

Positive: greater community cohesion

  • Governance

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council budget 2021/22

Shavington-cum-Gresty Financial Regulation

  • Financial Impact


  • Resource Impact

Clerk time and management.

  1. Conclusions

Members are asked to note the update, and to consider the following options:

  1. Note the Request for quotations attached in annex 1, approve it and instruct the Clerk to start the process for the selection of contractor
  2. Note the Request for quotation attached in annex 1, request some amendments to be made, and instruct the Clerk to start the process for the selection of the contractor
  3. Note the Request of quotations attached in annex 1, approve not to proceed with the matter
  1. Consideration sought

That the request for quotations attached is approved, and the Clerk is instructed to proceed with the process for the selection of the contractor

Report Statement

Meeting:                  Parish Council 09.06.2021

Report Purpose:      To provide an update about the updated version of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall booking pack

Version Control:      v0

Author:                    Clerk            

  1. Report Summary

The report provides an update with regards to the updated version of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall booking pack.

  • Background

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council owns and regularly hires the Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council has not accepted booking for the use of the Hall over the last few months, however as national restrictions are easing new booking requests have been received and processed (in compliance with the relevant Government guidelines).

  • Position

On May, 17th the national Government lifted some restrictions for the use of public building and community hall. And more restrictions could be lifted in the coming weeks, once (and if) phase 4 of the Government roadmap is confirmed. Therefore, booking requests for the use of the Village Hall have restarted.

To better comply with the current obligations the Council is subject when hiring a facility, the Village Hall booking form has been updated and reviewed. It now includes:

  1. Village Hall risk assessment (dated 19.05.2021)
  2. Booking form (Annex 1)

Main changes from the previous version are:

  1. Payments to be made by BACS only;
  2. Hirer to provide RAMS;
  3. Hirer to give clear indication of numbers of users and how the hirer will guarantee the compliance with the COVID-19 regulations such track and trace and social distancing.
  • Equality impact

The booking form is not fully accessible at the moment. Measures will need to take place to convert the form in an accessible document (such HTML or Fillable PDF)

  • Sustainability Impact

Environmental: none as digital.

Economical: positive, generates income to break even the Council’s costs to manage the asset

  • Community Impact

Positive: Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall hosts community groups and activities that are attended by the locals

  • Governance

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council budget 2021/22

  • Financial Impact


  • Resource Impact

Clerk time and management.

  1. Conclusions

Members are asked to note the new Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall booking pack.



Village Hall hire Fee

Monday-Thursday                     8.00 am – 12 noon             [  ]         £20                 

                                                                        1.00 pm – 5.00 pm              [  ]         £20

                                                                        6.00 pm – 10.00 pm           [  ]             £20

                        Friday                                         8.00 am – 12.00 pm           [  ]         £20

                                                                        1.00 pm – 5.00 pm             [  ]             £20

                                                                        6.00 pm – 11.00 pm           [  ]         £25

                        Saturday                                     9.00 am – 1.00pm               [  ]         £20                 

                                                                        2.00 pm – 6.00 pm              [  ]         £20

                                                                        7.00 pm – 12.00 pm           [  ]             £25

Sunday                                        9.00 am – 1.00pm             [  ]         £20                 

                                                                        2.00 pm – 6.00 pm              [  ]         £20

                                                                        7.00 pm – 11.00 pm           [  ]             £20

Clients have use of the following facilities within the hire charge: 

  • Main Hall including lounge, kitchen and bar area

Clients who wish to have exclusive use of the whole hall, an additional fee of £10 per session is payable to prevent the upstairs meeting room from being hired out separately during the session.

In the event of the client not wishing to clean-up after their function, an additional charge of £30 for cleaning is payable. 

If you wish to hire the hall on a regular basis, clients are offered a consecutive block booking of 16 weeks but will only be charged for 12 weeks. Payment must be made in advance.



Whole Hall                                Free Wi-Fi (no code needed)

Main Hall/Lounge                      There are tables and chairs for 120 guests. These are stored in the lounge and                          cupboard adjacent to the main hall. These should be returned in a clean condition at the end of your function.                                                

Kitchen:                                    The kitchen has a fridge, cooker, microwave oven, hot water urn and crockery for

             120 persons. Some cutlery is available.

Tea-towels are not provided.                                                                  `

Upstairs Meeting Room:            Tables are set out to seat a minimum of 12 people.

                                                Other chairs are also available in the room.

There is a First-Aid kit in the kitchen, together with an Accident Reporting book.

All users are required to adhere to Covid 19 guidelines that apply at the time of use





Payment shall be made in advance by BACS using sort code 08-92-99 and account # 65364422

Details of applicant
Organisation Name 
Representative Name 
On site contact (mobile no) 
Sessoion(s) required  Monday-Thursday                     8.00 am – 12 noon                         [  ]                                                      1.00 pm – 5.00 pm              [  ]                                                         6.00 pm – 10.00 pm            [  ]          Friday                                         8.00 am – 12.00 pm            [  ]                                                         1.00 pm – 5.00 pm                  [  ]                                                         6.00 pm – 11.00 pm             [  ]           Saturday                                     9.00 am – 1.00pm                         [  ]                                                     2.00 pm – 6.00 pm              [  ]                                                         7.00 pm – 12.00 pm            [  ]   Sunday                                        9.00 am – 1.00pm                         [  ]                                                         2.00 pm – 6.00 pm              [  ]                                                         7.00 pm – 11.00 pm            [  ]     
Date(s) required  Start:­­­­­________________________ Finish: ____________________________
Details of activity     
How will you make sure social distancing is adhered to? 
How will you make sure you will collect info for the Track and Trace? 
Number of expected audience at any one time 
Fee due (£) 
Please confirm you are sending the following with this application (Yes/ No) We cannot process your application without them
(Essential) Copy of Public Liability insurance   
(Essential) Copy of your risk assessment & method statement   
(Essential) Copy of your COVID-19 risk assessment   
(Essential) I confirm I will send the necessary fee 
        I am authorised by the Organisation named above to agree to the Council’s conditions of use.  



For further information please contact Shavington Village Hall at 01270 262636 or write to

All users are required to adhere to Covid 19 guidelines that apply at the time of use