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Save Our Identity

Photograph of shavington village hall with text saying one parish, one community, one identity infront of it

Cheshire East Council have published a plan to break up the parish of Shavington-cum-Gresty into three.

Their plan would see part of our parish move into Wybunbury, part move into Crewe and the rest left as a village called ‘Shavington’. A consultation is now open until 28 November 2021. After this time, Cheshire East Council will be unilaterally making a decision.

Now is your only chance to stand up for our parish!

Stand up and support those most affected by telling Cheshire East Council what you think of their plan to break up our parish of Shavington-cum-Gresty:

Click here to fill in Cheshire East Council’s Consultation Cheshire East Council Strategic Governance Review consultation

What does Cheshire East Council’s plan mean for our parish?

  • Despite having existed for over 2 centuries –Shavington-cum-Gresty will no longer exist.
  • A new parish of Shavington will be created.
  • Houses currently in Gresty and north of the A500 will become part of Crewe and be represented by Crewe Town Council.
  • Houses currently south of Newcastle Road will be moved into Wybunbury and be represented by Wybunbury Parish Council

Additional help and support

Every household in Shavington-cum-Gresty will soon receive a booklet with some useful information on how to access the consultation online.

Paper copies of the survey will be available too.

If you need any help please contact the Parish Clerk at or 01270 262 636

Shavington-cum- Gresty Parish Council’s proposal to save Shavington-cum-Gresty

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council has formed a counter-proposal, which if you support keeping the parish together you could use to justify your own view.

Proposal 1- Chatsworth Park and Rope Lane

Proposal 2 & 3-North of A500 (Gresty)

Proposal 4- Houses to the south of Newcastle Road

Proposal 5 – Houses to the south of Newcastle Road

Frequently asked questions
Why does the boundary need to be reviewed?

As communities change over time, government guidance advises a review of town and parish governance every 10-15 years, to ensure the arrangements are fit for purpose. The last was done before Cheshire East Council was created in 2009.

How will the proposed changes affect my Council Tax?

Rates for your Council Tax paid to Cheshire East Council are set at a borough-wide level and therefore, any change in parish boundaries will not affect this proportion of your Council Tax. Parish Councils set their own precept each year to meet their budget requirements. The charge is divided between every household according to what council tax property band the property is in. If the number of households decreases and the total precept stayed the same, then it would mean a council tax increase for the houses remaining.

Whilst we cannot make a prediction on future expenditure for a Parish or Town Council, under the current proposal, the new Shavington Parish Council would need to substantially cut its budget or services to keep the precept at the current level per property, or if it kept the same level of services it would need to increase the precept accordingly.

Will it affect the Shavington- cum-Gresty Neighbourhood Plan and housing numbers?

At this time, we have not been advised of whether the boundary change will affect the Neighbourhood Plan or the housing requirement for the areas within the parish. The current Local Plan runs until 2030 and Cheshire East Council will be looking for new sites to allocate for building in time for the new Local Plan. If the boundaries change, it would be logical that it would then be reflected in the new Local Plan and housing requirements.

Will I get a new postcode?

No. Postcodes are assigned by Royal Mail rather than the Council. Your postcode will be unaffected.