Finance & Strategy Committee Meeting – 20 Sept 2023 – 7:30PM
Meeting Summary
Committee: | Finance & Strategy Committee |
Date/Time: | |
Venue: | Shavington Village Hall |
Public Agenda
1 | To receive and consider apologies for absence |
2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 21 June 2023 (attached) |
4 | Public participation |
A period not exceeding 20 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments | |
5 | To review the year-to-date expenditure for the Council as a whole and to consider Month-End reconciliation statements (attached) |
6 | To undertake an internal audit check |
7 | To consider informing the budget setting process for 2024/258 financial year (to follow). To receive and consider DRAFT budget proposals from the following Committees: i. Community and Engagement ii. Environment and Recreation To consider setting the 2024/25 income target for the Village Hall |
8 | To receive and consider an update on the Western Ecological Mitigation Area acquisition project |
9 | To receive and consider an update on the 10-year Strategic Plan for the Parish Council |
10 | To receive the Village Hall Booking Emergency Plan approved by the Village Hall Committee (ScG VH/22/3/11) (attached) |
11 | To receive and consider the following Project Initiation Documents (attached): i. Parish Signs Restoration Project (Cllr Ferguson) ii. Speed Gun Project (Cllr Buchanan) |
12 | To receive an update on GDPR data breach from the Clerk |
13 | To receive and consider the following policy (attached): i. Allotment Privacy Policy |
14 | To note the date of the next Finance & Strategy Committee Meeting – 22 November 2023 7:30pm |