Scheme of Delegation
Adopted by Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council on 6 September 2023
The Clerk to the Council shall be the Proper Officer of the Council. The Clerk’s duties are set out in the job description, and the Clerk is specifically authorised to undertake the following (in no particular order):
The Clerk to the Council will exercise these powers in accordance with:
Financial Matters
Such expenditure will be reported to full Council at its next meeting or, in the interests of expediency, emailed to Members to ensure that they are kept apprised of spend.
The Community Manager’s duties are set out in the job description, and the Community Manager is specifically authorised to undertake the following (in no particular order):
In the event of any matter arising which requires an urgent decision, the Clerk to the Council shall consult with the Chair of the Council (or Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair).
The Clerk is authorised to act on behalf of the Council in cases of urgency or emergency. Such action to be reported to the next meeting of the Council, or in the interests of expediency, emailed to Members. The Chair or Vice-Chair to be consulted before such action is taken.
The functions and powers of the standing committees are set out in the respective Terms of Reference for the Committees.
Working Groups (known as ‘Task and Finish Groups’)
Task and Finish Groups can be formed by resolution of the Council or Committee at any time, or a group of Councillors who agree to discuss a specific topic.
Where a Task and Finish Group is set up, Terms of Reference can be identified by the Council or the Group itself, as a means of adopting a co-ordinated approach to the task given.
The Group should prepare notes which will form the basis of regular reports back to Council until the task is completed.
These Groups are advisory bodies with no delegated decision-making powers.