Parish Council meeting 15 March 2023 – 7PM
Meeting Summary
Committee: | Full Parish Council |
Date/Time: | |
Venue: | Shavington Village Hall |
Public Agenda
1 | To receive and consider apologies for absence |
2 | To note declarations of Members’ interest |
3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Council Meeting held on 1 February 2023 (attached) |
4 | To receive and consider the following recommendation from Finance and Strategy Committee i. that a recommendation is made to Full Council to review the Financial Regulation so that Chairs of each Committees are asked to undertake at least n.2 internal audit/per year and report any issue back to the F&S Committee |
5 | To receive and consider the following recommendation from Finance and Strategy Committee (attached) i. that the Parish Council Fixed Asset Register is recommended to Full Council for approval (with the following amendments being made: Vine Tree land £1, Planters and Sleepers #QueenBee project) |
6 | To receive and consider the following recommendation from Finance and Strategy Committee (attached) i. that the Parish Council Financial Risk Assessment is recommended to Full Council for approval ( with the following amendments: Staff retention issue – that the following mitigation action is included and implemented: working practice document) |
7 | To receive and consider the following recommendation from Finance and Strategy Committee (attached) i. that the following policies are recommended to Full Council for approval: Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council Reserves Policy Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council Investment and Treasury Management Policy Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council Fixed Assets and Content Management Policy Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council Personal Data Complaints Policy Shavington-cum-Gresty Environment and Sustainability Policy Shavington-cum-Gresty Vine Tree Play Area Risk Assessment ii. that the following policies are recommended to Full Council for approval, with the following amendments being made: Shavington-cum-Gresty Health and Safety Policy –Construction Design Management Regulation 2015: the Parish Council will typically act as client under the CDM regulation Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall – General Risk Assessment – due date Feb 2024 Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council Application to Fill a Casual Vacancy for a Councillor – subject to a further check being made on the eligibility criteria |
8 | To receive and consider the following recommendation from Finance and Strategy Committee (attached) i. that a recommendation is made to Full Council to sign off the bad debts list for 2022/23 |
9 | To receive and consider an update with regards to the Old School building (attached) |
10 | To note the date of the next Council Meeting – 5 April 2023 – 8PM |