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Training and Development Policy

Approved Parish Council 6 March 2024


Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council recognises that its most important resources are its members and officers and it is committed to keeping them appraised of current issues and to developing them to their potential. Some training is necessary to ensure compliance with legal and statutory requirements.

Training can be defined as “a planned process to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy current and future needs of the organisation” (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)

The objectives of this Policy are to:

Commitment to Training

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council is committed to the training and development of all councillors and staff to enable them to make the most effective contribution to the Council’s aims and objectives and to providing the highest quality representation and services to the Parish.

There are a number of benefits to training, it:


Members bring a diverse range of skills and experience to the Council. However, both local government and the world around it, are fast changing and it is an essential investment to develop councillors to their full potential. In addition, the Council is likely to have a number of new functions over the coming years and it will be important for councillors fully appreciate the implications of the decisions they make.

The Council will establish a comprehensive Development Programme for members, based on the following approach:

A rolling programme will be established immediately following the adoption of this Policy and following normal elections and updated annually.

Certain training is identified as essential for all councillors including:

Some councillors may have undertaken relevant training at principal council level or in some cases as part of their employment.

Training needs are prioritised by the Staffing Committee following advice from the Parish Clerk and completion of a questionnaire by councillors.



Training needs are determined by the appraisal process and are set as targets for individual staff members by the Parish Clerk on a yearly basis. Training needs are also identified during the appointment process and by informal discussion. Although sometimes training does need to be prioritised, the Council will try to accommodate requests from staff which are reasonable and appropriate.

Certain staff may be required to hold valid First Aider qualifications or be trained as fire wardens.

Training is prioritised on the following grounds (not in priority order):

Corporate training is necessary for subjects including corporate objectives or working practices, equality, health and safety.

Other considerations include:

All new staff will receive induction training.

Resourcing training

Sufficient funds are allocated in the budget for Staff and Members for training purposes with a forecast of anticipated expenditure presented to Members for consideration each year as part of the Budget setting process. Separate budget headings are allocated for Members and Staff.


Employees may apply to take qualification training. These will be considered on an individual basis and will be dependent upon the need or priorities of the Parish Council


Members’ training, learning and development opportunities will be arranged predominately by Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC) or SLCC. This will be supplemented as appropriate by in-house provision, the use of local training organisations and by inviting “guest speakers” to Council or committee meetings.

Most staff training needs are catered for by ChALC, Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC), or local colleges, again supplemented by specialist providers.

Some joint training for both members and officers is not only cost effective but often gives added value through a cross fertilisation of ideas.

Staff and Members attending courses are encouraged to pass on what they have learned to colleagues where appropriate.

Financial assistance

The cost of training for Members will be paid for by the Council and reasonable associated costs such as travel and subsistence, reimbursed.

The Parish Council will pay and/ or assist with expenses incurred to cover the cost of tuition and examination fees for employees provided that the training is approved by the Parish Clerk.

Costs for travel to tuition, courses or examination will generally be paid. This will include such expenses as:

Where training is provided for a qualification or exceeds the general costs of training, then employees will be expected to sign an appropriate agreement to manage the risks associated with the Council’s investment in the training. If an employee fails to sit an examination within a reasonable period of time, fails to satisfyingly progress or discontinues the course, the Parish Council may withdraw its support and may request reimbursement of the financial assistance the employee has received to that date.

Should any absence from attending any training or courses occur, it must be reported to the Parish Clerk immediately. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken.

Study leave

Employees who are given approval to undertake external qualifications will be granted

Training evaluation

Records of all employee training will be kept on individual personnel files and all Member training will be recorded.

All courses and seminars are evaluated by requesting staff and councillors for feedback.

Policy Review

The Annual Training and Development Plan for Members and staff, will be reviewed and updated every two years.