Parish Council Meeting 6 April 2022 – 8PM
Meeting Summary
Date/Time: |
Public Agenda
1 | To receive and consider apologies for absence |
2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Shavington-cum-Gresty Council Meetings hold on 2 March 2022 (attached) |
4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 20 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments | |
5 | To receive a report from the Village Beat Manager (to follow) |
6 | To receive an update on Cheshire East Council’s plans affecting the Parish Council from Cllr Marren (CEC) (attached) |
7 | To receive and consider updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council meeting on 2 March or any items arisen since then: Committee: Community and Engagement Committee (Minutes attached) Chair: Councillor K Gibbs Meeting held 16 March 2022 Items for consideration: i. that the members support in principle the idea of a commemoration project to Covid with a suggestion of a commemorative bench. The Community Manager was instructed by members to work with the chairs of the Community & Engagement Committee and Environment & Recreation Committee chairs to draft a project to be presented to the Parish Council for consideration. Committee: Village Hall Committee Chair: Cllr McIntyre Committee: Environment and Recreation Committee Chair: Councillor Ferguson Committee: Finance Committee (Minutes attached) Chair: Cllr Wain Meeting held 9 March 2022 Items for consideration: i. That the revised version of Finance Regulation is approved – subject to the amendment to s. 4.1 being made – and that the Regulation is recommended to Full Council for adoption Committee: Staffing Committee Chair: Councillor Buchanan |
8 | To note and approve payments since the previous meeting (attached) To note and approve payments made by the Clerk under s.4.5 of Finance Regulation for emergency repair of the Village Hall sewer system (invoice to follow) |
9 | To consider approving the next round of payments (attached) |
10 | To receive and consider the followings (attached) The list of all payments made from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 (Parish Council bank account and Village Hall bank account) The list of all receipts from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 (Parish Council bank account and Village Hall bank account) The list of all Clerk/Members expenses from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 The Council’s Fixed Asset register (updated at 31.03.2022) The list of Clerk’s salary payments from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 The list of payments made under s.137 from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 |
11 | To note and consider the YTD Parish Council finance position at 31.03.2022 and the bank reconciliations (attached) |
12 | To consider a quote from JDH Business Service Ltd to undertake in the Council’s Internal Audit for 2021/22 (attached) |
13 | To receive an update with regards to Cheshire East Community Governance Review |
14 | To consider the Parish Council DRAFT Business and Work Delivery plan 2022/23 (attached) |
15 | To consider making a response to the following planning applications: |
Application: 22/0742N Proposal: Variation of condition on approved application P95/0140 – Conversion of garage to habitable room Location: 308, NEWCASTLE ROAD, SHAVINGTON, CW2 5EA National Grid Ref: 369509.12 351278.7301 Application: 22/0860N Proposal: Proposed rear extension, front porch and alterations Location: 321 , Newcastle Road, Shavington, CW2 5EA National Grid Ref: 369514.6547 351332.1186 Application: 22/0443N Proposal: remove the rear porch wall, extend the wall of the utility room and the kitchen diner, existing flat roof of the utility room will be replaced by a double hipped sloping roof, which will extend over to the newly extended kitchen. Location: 272, NEWCASTLE ROAD, BLAKELOW, CHESHIRE, CW5 7ET National Grid Ref: 369182.3975 351249.0203 Application: 22/0963N Proposal: Proposed first floor side extension and rear dormer to form larger bedroom with ensuite Location: 15, LORDS MILL ROAD, SHAVINGTON, CW2 5ET National Grid Ref: 369762.5109 351690.743 Application: 22/1019N Proposal: Two storey side extension. Location: Puseydale Farm, MAIN ROAD, SHAVINGTON, CW2 5DY National Grid Ref: 369373.7525 351496.1006 Application: 22/0651N Proposal: Single storey rear extension and garage conversion Location: 12 , Charlcote Crescent, Crewe, CW2 6UH National Grid Ref: 370212.5817 353632.0644 Application: 22/0462N Proposal: Erection of timber frame and clad outdoor cat houses with exterior exercise areas Location: 35, WESTON LANE, SHAVINGTON, CHESHIRE, CW2 5AN National Grid Ref: 370827.1705 352223.37 | |
16 | To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published |
17 | To consider to adopt the following policy: i. Shavington-cum-Gresty Financial Regulation (attached) And to consider to authorise the dual level payment approval on all online banking payments |
18 | To note and consider an update with regard to 140 Main Road (to follow) |
19 | To consider to donate at least n.1 raised beds currently located in the Village Hall car park to the Shavington Academy to support the #QueenBee project |
20 | To consider a proposal to review the Village Hall booking fees for 2022/23 and to note the revised booking form (attached) |
21 | To note the date of the next Council Meeting – 4 May 2022, 7pm |