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Community Engagement
To effectively communicate with the entire Parish through various platforms (both online and offline), fostering an active and informed community. To unify Shavington-cum-Gresty by organizing, commissioning, or sponsoring events for the benefit of residents and the broader community. To take the lead in the branding and marketing of Shavington-cum-Gresty.
Environment and RecreationTo enhance the quality of life in Shavington-cum-Gresty by efficiently providing and maintaining local amenities, allotments, and the environment in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner.
Finance and Strategy
To provide strategic oversight of Council operations, ensuring coordinated strategy across all committees in line with the members’ strategic agenda. To oversee general Council operations including finance, policy review, budget management, audit, and risk management.
Village HallTo advise, recommend, and assist with the management of Shavington-cum-Gresty Village Hall on behalf of the Council. To ensure the facility is managed in the best interests of the community and allocate resources efficiently and effectively. To approve, implement, and review plans to meet the Village Hall occupancy targets set yearly by the Council and to improve the sustainability of the Village Hall.
To oversee all planning, environmental, and regulatory matters, and to recommend policy to the Council on these issues, including housing and transportation.
ComplaintTo review and take action on complaints referred by the Clerk, following the Council’s Complaints Policy and Procedures.
StaffingTo ensure effective and professional management of all matters related to Parish Council employees.

Committee Membership

CommitteeNumber of PlacesMembership
Community EngagementSeven Parish councillorsCouncillors: K Gibbs, B Gibbs, McHugh, Cruickshank, R Jones, S Jones, McIntyre
Community representative: J McIntyre, George, Snell
Environment and RecreationSix Parish councillorsCouncillors: K Gibbs, S Jones, Ferguson, McHugh, Randle, Cruickshank
Allotment holder representative: TBC
Finance & StrategySix Parish councillorsCouncillors: K Gibbs, B Gibbs, S Jones, Ferguson, McHugh, Randle
Village HallFive Parish councillorsCouncillors: McIntyre, K Gibbs, S Jones, Hancock, Cruickshank
Community representative: Clarke, Adams
Staffing CommitteeFive Parish councillorsCouncillors: Buchanan, B Gibbs, McHugh, R Jones, Cruickshank
Complaints CommitteeFive Parish CouncillorsCouncillors: Buchanan, McHugh, Wain, Randle, B Gibbs
Planning CommitteeFive Parish CouncillorsCouncillors: McIntyre, K Gibbs, Ferguson, McHugh, Wain

Working Groups

Neighbourhood Plan Steering GroupMcIntyre, Ferguson, K Gibbs, Cruickshank, Buchanan, B Gibbs, Mc Hugh

Bill Atteridge
Social Media Working GroupR Jones, Cruickshank, McHugh, Ferguson, B Gibbs, K Gibbs

Sara Randle, L Gibbs, Moore, Cooper