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Complaints Committee Terms of Reference

Approved by Shavington cum Gresty Parish Council on 4 May 2022

5 Members of AuthorityQuorum 3
Meeting as and when required
To consider any complaints which the Clerk requires Council to review and action, in accordance with the Council’s Complaints Policy and Procedures.   All non-committee members may attend meetings of the Committee except for confidential items or matters relating to grievance or discipline and speak at the Chairman’s discretion, but are unable to vote.  
Function of the CommitteeDelegation of function
To consider complaints that cannot be satisfied by informal measures; the intention being that complaints are always dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid escalation.  Committee
To consider any other matters delegated to the Committee by the Council.  Committee

NB. Any actions delegated to the Parish Clerk/Proper Officer may in his/her absence be undertaken by the nominated deputy or deputies, if the matter cannot wait until the Parish Clerk’s return.